Monday, November 26, 2007

USA : Senator John Kerry pushes FDA to investigate lead content in lipstick

November 26, 2007

Senators John Kerry, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein wrote a letter to FDA Commissioner, Dr. Andrew C. von Eschenbach, requesting a full investigation into lipstick products containing lead levels above the legal limit, as recently reported by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

The CSC report highlights the fact that this lack of oversight means consumers are directly ingesting lead each time they wear one of these lipstick products. The senators’ letter asks the FDA to retest the lipsticks that raised red flags, and take immediate steps to reduce consumers’ exposure to lead in lipstick and other cosmetics.

“Dangerous levels of lead in lipstick are the latest reminder that insufficient safeguards at the FDA pose real risks to everyday Americans. From the cosmetics store to the sun block parents count on to protect their children’s skin, there has been a continuous flow of unnerving news in recent months about the FDA’s clear lack of oversight and inspection. Washington is gambling with our health, whether we are aware of it or not. It’s time for the FDA to start taking this responsibility more seriously.”

"Toxic chemicals like lead do not belong in cosmetics such as lipstick that people may be exposed to everyday,” Senator Barbara Boxer, Chairman Environment and Public Works Committee. “FDA should do everything in its power to get products with lead off the shelf."

“I was surprised to learn that lipsticks worn every day have been found to contain dangerous levels of lead. The Food and Drug Administration needs to fully investigate the potential health risks posed by lead in lipsticks. And federal guidelines may be needed to safeguard women’s health and reduce the amount of lead in cosmetic products,” U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein said.

The CSC points out that the FDA has not set a limit for lead in lipstick. High levels of lead are of particular concern to pregnant women, because high doses of lead can have significant impacts on the early brain development of babies and toddlers. Lead has been linked to learning and behavioral problems in children, such as reduced IQ, poorer school performance and aggression.

Click here to read the text of the letter:

US Senate

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