Friday, December 12, 2008

Japan : Sexy Shibuya Casual

It has been 3 months since the opening of 109-2’s men’s floor and the sales per month is over 100MJYen. Companies are viewing this trend to be faster and larger than the hip hop trend that is evaporating into thin air as we speak.

The new trend is “Sexy Shibuya Casual”, abbreviated as “Seku Shibu Trend”. This trend is big among men in their early 20’s but little by little it is seeping into those in their 30’s.

Men, more like boys, in Tokyo encountered the Wild & Sexy trend about 4 years ago and was quickly adopted by trend conscious young boys segment. The trend included key words such as wild, sexy, gorgeous, skinny/tight fit, lame, gold foils, studs, and damaged.

The market included many accessories like chains, belts, rings, wrist-bands, and necklaces. The trend came right after the hip-hop trend, in the back streets of Harajuku, to more elegant and sexy, in Shibuya. The shift is said to be the influence of the girls market. As girls who shop at 109 bring their boyfriends, and the boyfriends became interested in the similar styles.

What is interesting about this new trend is that as the boys who had been wearing the wild & casual since the beginning are becoming over 20 years of age and retailers and magazines are going to supply them. Men’s Egg, the leader of the trend, will publish a new magazine targeting those over 20 with the same wild and sexy tastes.

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